The state swim meet is this saturday. its gonna be either awesome or terrible. My coach wants my relay to wear speedo's and shave our legs. I REALLY hope we don't have to. I will do that when I get to the olympics.
Today I went to an awesome sushi place. Twas good.
I really like the show "Avatar: the Last Airbender" because it is awesome. Only Dragonball Z beats the fighting. Especially the huge fight between two of the characters (spoiler block) that are related. Tis AWESOME. When it comes to pictures, I enjoy diplays of power and awesomeness.
This is Zuko, my second favorite character. I think this pic is just awesome. I like the way that he developes throughout the show. He is like Shadow (the Hedgehog) in that he went through a period of not knowing which side to be on. Only that happens to Shadow (the Hedghog) every time he shows up.
This one is actually from the show. What is happening is that Both Zuko and his nemesis shot huge blasts of fire at each other, and, after coliding, the blasts pushed past each other at angles. So basically if you went on the other side, his nemisis would be in the same position, only with normal fire behind. (The blue fire is the only awesome part about his nemesis, because said nemesis is completely insane. [Not in a good way, Xenon. {sidenoteCEPTION #2}]) Unfortunatly, fire bending isn't normally that powerful. During this fight, there is a comet (highly unrealistic, for it enters the atmosphere, but it's still a good show) that basically supercharges all firebending.
This is Uncle Iroh, Zuko's Uncle. He is the single greatest character ever thought of ever. In this he is playing his favorite instrument. The name escapes me. ANYWAY he is the most awesome guy ever.
This was the best I could find, but yeah, this sums him up. He is frickin powerful. Seriously. Lightning is the single hardest and most dangerous thing to bend. Ever.
This is another of Zuko and his nemesis. You can see them both. The nemesis is AWESOMELY skating on blue fire. thats as cool as it gets.
This is Toph. She is a blind earthbending NINJA. (you will only get this if you have seen this episode) She is the most powerful earthbender, because her lack of eyesight gives her awesome hearing anf she "sees" with her feet. she can fell the vibrations around her with EXPERT LEVEL precision. She is the first earthbender to discover the ability to bend metal.
You may have noticed that I didn't include the MAIN three characters. Thats because they are boring and everybody knows about them.
Out of time gtg bye.
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