Sunday, February 5, 2012

Awesome Face Lazors

I was gone for two days cuz either I was busy, exausted or just didn't feel like posting. My keyboard is really disliking me right now. Or are my fingers ignoring my brain? Either way, I am making mistakes more than usual. So yesterday there was the STATE SWIM MEET. It were funz. I got new personal records on all of my events. And I am 7th (!) in the state of Georgia (I live in a secret base in Antarctica, so this makes no sense) in the 200 yard freestyle!!! AAAAWWWW YEAAAAAHHHHH. It makes me feel special. I got a PURPLY RIBBON IN MY VICTORY OVER THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. Unfortunately, for the state meet, myself and a few others shaved our legs. It worked, so don't hate, but now I will have to live through it growing back. (Which is gonna suck.) Let me think of something awesome... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


How AWESOME is that?!

"Vegeta, what does the power say about his awesome level?"
"It's over NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What, NINE THOUSAND?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Who wins,



Goku's WARP (when he is Super Saiyan) Kame-Hame-HA!!!

Actually, don't. Goku wins. Of course. Though Shoop-Da-Woop is by far over 9,000.

Watch the vid: (YouTube)

Have to study Latin... Bye everybody.


PS: I searched "kame hame ha" on Google Images, and my screen turned blue lol.

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