Monday, February 20, 2012


Frieza is dead! Horray! I finished season 3! There are so many episodes it's not even funny! And they turned 5 minutes into 5-9 episodes! I am exclaiming everything I say for no particular reason! I should probably not do this in real life! Vegeta was so confused by people being nice to him! He stole a spaceship! That was expensive! That would be like stealing a space shuttle! Everybody lived! Except for a village and Frieza and Frieza's minions! That is only if you count coming back to life as voiding death! Vegeta actually has a soul! I am saying random stuff about DBZ! I memorized a song for Latin in like five minutes today! I can drive! It's 11:11! ...! ...! Not any more! I can fly! Until I hit the ground! Exclaimation! ! I just exclaimed nothing! Water is important! I killed Minecraft with an overload of TNT! I need sleep! I should probably try to do that! Wilks don't stand chances in supernovas! 30% of DBZ is composed of (...!)! There is a moral anti-canablism virus that travels from human to human when the second human eats the first one! It attacks the brain and is fatal! Yay moral virus! -Shadow! PS: Win!

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