Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Better next time

If you mention it, the bad happens. If you don't, the good happens. This statement varies in validity, but life tends to follow these lines.

Not much happened that was interesting today. Oh yeah! In geometry I nearly fell asleep because I was already tired, and the lights were off so that my class could see the smartboard. The combination of tiredness, darkness, and a bright screen will knock you flat. I was having to force myself to keep my eyes open. I failed more than once. BUT I STILL GOT THE WHOLE LESSON. Winz.

If you like techno music then go on newgrounds.com and find kid2will. He's got some pretty awesome stuff.

I am trying to get my power level up, but it can be very difficult. Which sucks. I may just go play Xbox now.

- Shadow

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