Whats up, horseysaiyan, because at the time I am typing this, you are my only follower [ :( for so few viewers, :) for following] I may post my awesome pencil sketch later in this post. depends on if I feel like going and getting it, scanning it, and then figuring out how to load it onto this page. Oh yeah, somehow I just remembered my favorite text face: ok let me just figure out how to type accented letters... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like ten minutes later ... ... ... more minutes. i got close, but no good........... and im not doing this to be funny, i really am unable to find this. lets see what ive discovered how to type so far: ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠«‘“πøˆ¨¥†®´∑œåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷………… really!?!?!?! ò is as close as ive gotten... i can type apples, but not an o with a reverse "`"... this sucks... ‡—±»’”∏؈¨Áˇ‰´„ŒÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÒÔÓ˝ÓÓÓ˝ÁÔÔÓÒ OMFG I FIGURED IT OUT I THINK!!!!! NOOOOO of course not... Ó without caps... HOW…DOES…THIS…WORK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? . apple eyes. I'm scanning the pic now. This post is taking WAY too long to write. maybe I should just stop. BUT NO. I will finish. I'll state my logic now: some people need to be punched in the face. This is the problem: to protect people who do not deserve this, punching someone is considered assault. I believe that if a mark larger than 1 and a half inches is left, or if facial bones are broken, or if the skin is broken, then it should be assault. But there are those people who just deserve to get hit. although there should be three witnesses who agree that the victim dedserved it. Pic is done. here it is:P
My name is blacked out so that I cannot be tracked ^.^
I admit, I used a plastic oval for the halo ring itself, but the rest is all me.
NO THAT IS NOT JUPITER. it is just some random gas giant. still cant find the face... (-.-ò) I can do it BACKWARDS!!! headphones ftw. well i guess thats about it...
ø^.^ you shall not hear
o*.* you shall not see
o^x^ you shall not speak
ø*x* you shall not
I shall not be seen
Sorry all non Mac users: the Apple eyes appear to you as squares :(