Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Better next time

If you mention it, the bad happens. If you don't, the good happens. This statement varies in validity, but life tends to follow these lines.

Not much happened that was interesting today. Oh yeah! In geometry I nearly fell asleep because I was already tired, and the lights were off so that my class could see the smartboard. The combination of tiredness, darkness, and a bright screen will knock you flat. I was having to force myself to keep my eyes open. I failed more than once. BUT I STILL GOT THE WHOLE LESSON. Winz.

If you like techno music then go on newgrounds.com and find kid2will. He's got some pretty awesome stuff.

I am trying to get my power level up, but it can be very difficult. Which sucks. I may just go play Xbox now.

- Shadow

Monday, January 30, 2012


WOO HOO!!! Two WUNDERBAR (pronounced voon-da-ba; wonderful in German) tthinks happened today. I'll go from good to AWESOME! Whats good is that I found a sweet remix of the Skyrim music. There is a link to download it in the video, called "SKYRIM - REMIX" and everyone should check it out. (YouTube for those who don't know about the most used video website in the world.) The AWESOME thing is that the swim team that I'm in got our old-new (he was the second) coach back!!! He is the best. I don't think he would care for me to post his name, but he is our favorite. Everyone was in 
-12x better of a mood (the negative reverses the negative moods, those who don't know math.) Our last coach had been nice, but she came at the last minute, gave us easy sets (for those who can't guess, an examle of a set is like this: 5x100's build, 4x100's decend, and 2x100 sprint, all twice through. That's one that we did today,) and then she would leave immediately after we were done. Better coach is better. I believe there is a montage of him somewhere. If I find it then I will post it. NOOO SKYRIM REMIX KEEP PLAYING! lol.

HAHA! I beleive that I may have beaten Xenon to finishing the post today. Maybe not. She might finish while I'm typing this D:

Guess I'll have to hurry.

Minecraft: a vast world of nearly infinite possibilty. While the world itself is amazing, the stuff you can do in it is more amazing. There's this thing called redstone which is basically like wires. You can make and use moving pieces to build insain stuff. I've heard of clocks, games, calculators, and the best, data storage, eg (Exampli Gratia/With The Grace of an Example, Latin FTW,) software. SOFTWARECEPTION!!!

I enjoy inceptions.

We're reading Shakespear in school, and it's pretty awesome. One quote ( or should I say part?) that I like is: 

SON                            Was my father a traitor? 
LADY MACDUFF     Ay, that he was.
SON                            What is a traitor?
LADY MACDUFF     Why, one that swears and lies.
SON                            And be all traitors that do so?
LADY MACDUFF     Every one that does so is a traitor
                                  and must be hanged.
SON                            And must they all be hanged that swear and lie?
LADY MACDUFF     Every one.
SON                            Who must hang them?
LADY MACDUFF     Why, the honest men.
SON                            Then the liars and swearers are fools, for there
                                  are liars and swearers enough to beat the honest
                                  men and hang up them.
                                    (William Shakespear, Macbeth, 4.2.51-64)

Haha. Epic win. And there are quotations. You can see them. And that ^^^ is the Act.Scene.Line(s). 

YES. Even having gone to dinner, I am STILL beating Xenon. I honestly don't know why I have made and accepted this challenge. Whatever.

Well that's about it I guess.

He who laughs last thinks slowest.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Dog, a puzzle, an Inception, and Some Logical Philosophy

Hey everybody. Or just you, horseysaiyan/Xenon (if you tell me which you prefer then I will use that), because I am lacking other viewers. I'm at my grandparent's house right now. They got a new dog!!! She is smaller than a chihuahua, but she is 3 years old. WTF MUTATION. Anyway, she knows that she is adorable, and uses this to her advantage. Also, it was described to me that her old owner fed her poorly, like if my parents fed me poptarts. and ONLY poptarts. Her fur is strange. She has a giant (relative to size) mane. I would draw a picture, but this computer is a PC. I may post it later if I can. SWIMS rotated 180 degrees equals SWIMS.
It is impossible for something to continuously roll uphill. It may look like it, but your eyes will be lying. Or your brain is misinterpreting what you eyes are telling it. Either way, some part of you is being stupid. Oh yeah, try to figure out what I'm doing:


I came up with this myself :P I will post a hint to one randomly every day starting the day I get a new follower. Until then, horseysaiyan/Xenon, you are on your own. post guesses in comments!

These posts are very near to spontaneous, (NOTHING BUT THE BIG BANG IS SPONTANEOUS, EVERYTHING HAPPENS [but the big bang {as far as we know (SidepointCEPTION)}] FOR A REASON [cause and effect]) WIN!

ANYWAYS what I mean is that I pull up this page, and then think about something to type, and boom. even this spawned from that method.

I need a caricature (a cartoon version of myself, for those with poor vocabulary) Unfortunately, the most important part is the hair, and mine is boring. (Why can't anime hair be real? Life would be so much more fun...) (Or at least interesting.) Well, then there's that I am bad a drawing, and worse at drawing people. And worse at drawing with a mouse. And does anyone else question why you are you? And if anyone figures out how to cause their mind to exit the barrier of their head, please mention it. If someone discovers how to focus your power into a beam of energy, please tell me.

Imagination is the key to the doorway of secrets.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

This took like an hour...

Whats up, horseysaiyan, because at the time I am typing this, you are my only follower [ :( for so few viewers, :) for following] I may post my awesome pencil sketch later in this post. depends on if I feel like going and getting it, scanning it, and then figuring out how to load it onto this page. Oh yeah, somehow I just remembered my favorite text face: ok let me just figure out how to type accented letters... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like ten minutes later ... ... ... more minutes. i got close, but no good........... and im not doing this to be funny, i really am unable to find this. lets see what ive discovered how to type so far: ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠«‘“πøˆ¨¥†®´∑œåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷………… really!?!?!?! ò is as close as ive gotten...  i can type apples, but not an o with a reverse "`"... this sucks... ‡—±»’”∏؈¨Áˇ‰´„ŒÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÒÔÓ˝ÓÓÓ˝ÁÔÔÓÒ OMFG I FIGURED IT OUT I THINK!!!!! NOOOOO of course not... Ó without caps... HOW…DOES…THIS…WORK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? . apple eyes. I'm scanning the pic now. This post is taking WAY too long to write. maybe I should just stop. BUT NO. I will finish. I'll state my logic now: some people need to be punched in the face. This is the problem: to protect people who do not deserve this, punching someone is considered assault. I believe that if a mark larger than 1 and a half inches is left, or if facial bones are broken, or if the skin is broken, then it should be assault. But there are those people who just deserve to get hit. although there should be three witnesses who agree that the victim dedserved it. Pic is done. here it is:P
My name is blacked out so that I cannot be tracked ^.^
I admit, I used a plastic oval for the halo ring itself, but the rest is all me.
NO THAT IS NOT JUPITER. it is just some random gas giant. still cant find the face... (-.-ò) I can do it BACKWARDS!!! headphones ftw. well i guess thats about it...

ø^.^ you shall not hear
o*.* you shall not see
o^x^ you shall not speak
ø*x* you shall not
I shall not be seen


Friday, January 27, 2012

Hey world, what's up? relative to your position, the sky.

I just finished making this blog. I did this 1: to show the world logic, and 2: to make the app for this site work.
I'm not the best of writers; I like to keep thing to the point. I may randomly spew forth a huge story though, so be ready for that. I will more likely spew forth small random stuff.

Today, walking into Biology, I noticed that my desk had been moved one desk unit back, leaving an empty space. My teacher was not there yet, so i walked up to the empty space, and put my backpack on the hook that the new desks have. My bag fell TO THE GROUND (or floor, your choice). Then i proceeded to put my arms on the front of my desk (behind me) and sat on the air. I waited for my teacher to notice when she walked in. She did not. I waited and waited, but the position was uncomfortable and I began to grow tired. So I got up and went to my desk, immediately behind me. There I sat for a minute. Then my teacher looks up at me, and noticing that my desk "alone," mentioned that it was so. I was laughing throughout the time in the air desk, and she didn't even notice. I was rather amazed.
Haha. Not the best artist anyway, and the mouse as my pencil makes it worse. The backpack looks pretty sweet though.

BTW: Check out horseysaiyan's blog "Xenon's Storytime." Her blog is worth reading. She normally posts once a day. She is a better artist than I. She is my Immortal Enemy/Friend (?) Anyway, our battling may cause the end of the world. So be ready for that (should being ready for that be possible). Seeing that I'm new, I may not get many, if any veiwers. Please tell people. It's the only way!!!

I will probably post ^^^^^^^^^^ somewhere else so that it will stay up.

Random Fact of the Day: Wilks Do Not Stand Chances In Super Novas.

To: horseysaiyan,
I will overthrow you!!! My mind is superior! (not calling you stupid, just stating that I remain smarter).