Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello other intelligent life forms that are most likely human but might be something else!

Please pretend this post was posted a few days after my last post and today, at the same time.

Somehow or another I completely missed a major point from my trip to the lake house. Xenon's post including tubing reminded me of this event. My ginger friend, whom you may call Silent hvalross (Xbox Live), is the most intense tuber ever. He was the only one that tubed, and he set records of most skips on the water after falling. He rode once one day, and managed 3 skips of pain on the water. (truly painful to watch, one can only imagine what he felt). The next day, he rode again. He was lifted and sent FLYING HORIZONTALLY, COMPLETELY AIRBORN, through the air, and smashed into the water. When the splashing stopped, his hand was up, showing that he skipped 5 times. He then proceeded to ride again, and was again popped into the air and flung from the tube into the water at high speeds. 7 skips. He skipped more times then I can skip a rock. Many (useless) credits go to him.

On another note, watch these:

(WARNING: Animated blood, gore, organs, bones, censored swearing, murder, war, language that may be found offensive, bladed weapons, projectile weapons, unrealistic stunts that should not be tried at home, FIX: none of this should be tried at home, extreme violence, unreasonable comedy within the violence that may be found offensive, baby versions of most of the characters, rainbows, rainbow guns, giant candy, flowers, robotic guns, animated alcohol, explosives, fire, destruction of varying scales, unrealistic depictions of human anatomy and the damage it can sustain, and betrayal).

(NOTE: these video is on YouTube, so get over it if you think that they are"bad").


Also, If you don't mind bad language and have a very large range of humor, then watch Sanity Not Included. ('worse" than the videos above, but amazing and hilarious and awesome.) There are two seasons, and no, I will not give you a link for this one. It is also my request that you do not watch season two without watching season one, and also do not watch the finales until you've seen their corresponding seasons. Thank you for your cooperation. It will be noted that you will be more controllable when I take over the world.

World, you will be mine.


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