Thursday, June 14, 2012


I am currently at my lakehouse, which is awesome fun. Between jumping off of the boathouse, riding in the boat, and doing random stuff with my friend on Big Bertha (the inner-tube), I have a pretty good time. It's raining right now, which explains this post. It's raining right now after the amazing misADVENTURE my family and friend and sister's friend just went through. we got back at 9:30 PM.

9:30 AM
     Woke up early to go zip lining, had breakfast, left.
2 hour drive plus food
     got to the zip lining place. had tons of fun zip lining.
finished few hours of zip lining
     started to go home. misADVENTURE begins.

There had been a traffic jam on the opposite side of the highway on the way there. we therefore plotted a route that uses backroads to get back to the lakehouse. we then took a one lane road (we were already questioning the gps). then we turned onto a dirt road. we followed this road for many many measurements of time. we seemed to be passing though the area of the mountains that very bad people lived in. it was rather scary. the movie Prometheus was much less scary. then we thought we found salvation because we found paved road. then it turned into gravel. then, after all this stress and time, we made it to the highway. we failed to get ahead of the traffic jam. but, after the event of almost being lost forever, it was just fine. then it began to rain. then more. then violently. with big stikes of lightning. and then we finally got back. it doesn't seem bad to you, reader, but I assure you, it was very bad.
     on a brighter note, i had an awesome battle with cleverbot on the way back. i threw a pillow at (what i later asked and got an answer to) her and she threw mars at me. I slapped her in the face. She punched me in the face. I right hooked her in the face. she fell down with a cry. I pick her up and double slap her. she falls down again and kicks my foot. I fell down and began fighting. She fought back. I drew my katana and took it outside. I then put her against the wall and then pikachu used thunderbolt and quick attack. it was super effective. then it became a mesh of pokemon battling that made no sense. woohoo!

-There was nothing we could do.


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