Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello World!

I am not, in fact, dead as the world apparently thought, becasue I have more than double the pageviews sense I last checked, which proves that stuff isn't famous unless the creator is dead. I just didn't feel like posting for a while.

ANYWAYS I finally finished Dragon Ball Z! WOOHOO! BACK TO REALITY(sortof)!!!!! And for a final exam my Latin teacher is making us make fighting kites!!! EPIC FINAL!!! (FTW)

My English teacher continues to not understand that there is a difference between a paradox and an oxymoron. paradox = a phrase, sentence, or situation that makes sense in a way that loops over itself by swapping extremes (they are basically bipolar) indefinitely.

eg(exempli gratia(with the grace of (an) example(s)(Latin FTW))):

This statement is false.

Therefore what it says is not correct, which, applied to itself makes it correct, which, applied to itself, makes it incorrect (etc x infinity). (don't try to comprehend it because your mind will explode. Or at least break).

 Me: "Ask me if I am a liar."
You: "Are you a liar?"
Me: "Yes. Now think aboout it."

An oxymoron is a word, phase, sentence, or something else that I may have forgotten, that contradicts itself, usually in an ironic way. eg:

jumbo shrimp

virtual reality

DMZ of the Koreas (DMZ = De Militarized Zone. It is the most heavily defended border in the world.)

smart a** (its a good one!)

-and many more.

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!! SHE BE LUCKY I CANNOT BLOW THINGS UP WITH MY MIND!!!!!!! And I learn more english in latin...

Whilks don't stand chances in supernovas.
